About Me

You’re welcome here!

Welcome! I’m Amber-

A Michigander settled in Washington, who’s traveled across the United States and the world. I started traveling abroad for church mission trips starting in high school and my career in the travel health care industry fueled my passion even further! My travels revolve around adventure and cultural experiences. As a Christian I enjoy hiking, backpacking, camping, scuba diving and photography to explore God’s creation. For me, the great outdoors is another way to explore my faith. I love Washington because it’s the perfect place to adventure without traveling far!

When I’m off the clock you can find me outside, planning my next trip, or hanging out with my goldendoodle, Millie. Check out my dog friendly trips.

I love all things photography & am constantly learning more. My favorite things to shoot are larches, the aurora, and sunset in the mountains!

On this site you can expect to find guides and recommendations for your next adventure & inspo to connect with your faith outdoors!

  • Check out my prints *coming soon*
  • www.instagram.com/wanderwitham

The world’s big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark.

– John Muir

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Weekend getaways. Travel guides. Dog friendly adventures. Landscape photography.